Partint de retalls de cartró i papers decoratius formarem i decorarem una caixa joier amb un calaixet.
Dissabte 22/09 10.00h – 13.00h
Tallerista: Dolors Postico
Cal portar:
- Kit bàsic ( tisores, regla, cizalla, cinta adhesiva doble cara i pegamento de barra lliure d’àcid )
PREU 30€ ( Inclou kit de material )
Places limitades a 8 alumnes per sessió.
Es donarà per reservada la plaça una vegada fet el pagament.
Partiendo de retales de cartón y papeles decorativos formaremos y decoraremos una caja joyero con un cajón.
Sábado 22/09 10.00h – 13.00h
Tallerista: Dolors Postico
Material que debéis traer:
- Kit básico ( tijeras, regla, cizalla, cinta adhesiva doble cara y pegamento de barra libre de ácido )
PRECIO 30€ ( Incluye kit de material )
Plazas limitadas a 8 alumnos por sesión.
Se dará por reservada la plaza una vez efectuado el pago.
2 comentaris:
What a beautifull box.
I'd hear that you getting my card and that my college was in your shop, and thanks to you she went to the fira.
Its so nice to meet people from different country's whit the same hobby.
Dear greetings from Danoesja
Hello Dolores/Marta,I was friday-evening in your store and you gave me the hint to go to the scrapferia in St Feliu de Guixols.Thank you,Iloved it very much and the patchworkferia also.I'm back in Holland now and I put some photo's on my blog.I see that Danoesja(my friend and college)also wrote to you.I love the things on your blog and became a follower.Greetings Miranda
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